Christian Challenge Finds Salvation

By: Kaisha Batman

Christian Challenge has been working hard all year spreading the word of God to students every Tuesday night.

For last Tuesday, this was especially true, students were given a speech over the topic, “Our Robust Salvation.”

The speech focused on spiritual transformation and how to change the students’ daily lives to better themselves in God’s eyes. The night was all about becoming something different than what they are in the present.

One example given to the students was singing the Apostles Creed, which confesses a person’s beliefs in a set of realities and truths about God, students were shown to have confidence in God and in his plan for their lives.

Instead of having a simple belief in God, the students were stressed to come to a place where they are confident in God.  The speech also covered Jesus linking discipleship and confidence.

Jesus came as a savior to insure people would be able to have a full life, one in which someone can live abundantly and robust.

A life that couldn’t be dreamed or schemed.

The speech challenged the students to self-analyze their own relationship with God and Jesus.

Questions such as, “Do they have a vision for Jesus in their life?” “Do they expect that life for themselves?” and “Do they possess a growing understanding of that life?” were given to the students to contemplate.

The students were even shown how the New Testament poses that vision.

Overall, Christian Challenge didn’t just contest students to think deeply about God, but it also gave students a chance to have a better understanding of His plan for them.

Christian Challenge challenges students for the better every Tuesday.

Getting involved with Christian Challenge is as simple as having an open mind and a full heart.

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